Current business

West African Feeds leverages tropical edible insects to bioconvert carbon from food waste into climate positive insect-derived protein alternatives for Africa’s USD 710M livestock feed industry. West African Feed’s vision is to address Africa’s 1.38 Bn ton GHG emissions problem and combat ocean biodiversity loss due to the animal feed industry’s unsustainable reliance on fish-based protein sources.

Our innovation concept

Objective: Develop a portable and transportable EntoBox model for insect protein farming, utilizing recyclable materials and integrating data tracking mechanisms for efficient production and management.

Approach: Fabricate proprietary EntoBox modules as a service, leased to trained agri-preneurs and farmer collectives through a pay-as-produced model. Outsource input acquisition (food waste) to women and youth collectors, reducing costs.


  1. Recyclable Materials: Using recyclable materials in the EntoBox construction promotes environmental sustainability and reduces waste.
  2. Data Tracking Mechanism: Integrating data tracking enables real-time production monitoring and resource management, optimizing insect protein production.
  3. Scalable Business Model: The pay-as-produced model empowers small-holder farmers, streamlining insect protein supply and promoting economic opportunities.

What problem / societal challenge is our innovation concept solving from the perspective of our paying customers and end users?

  1. Sustainable Protein Supply: It offers a solution to the challenge of sourcing sustainable protein by providing a reliable and scalable source of insect protein for small-holder farmers and communities.

  2. Environmental Impact: By using recyclable materials and reducing waste, the innovation promotes environmental responsibility and addresses concerns about ecological sustainability.

  3. Empowerment of Women and Youth: The outsourcing of input acquisition (food waste) to women and youth collectors creates economic opportunities and empowers these demographics in the agricultural value chain.

  4. Efficiency and Optimization: Integrating data tracking mechanisms enables real-time production monitoring and resource management, enhancing the efficiency and productivity of insect protein farming.

  5. Food Security and Nutrition: Scaling the local supply of insect protein contributes to addressing food security and nutrition challenges in underserved Overall, the innovation concept addresses key challenges related to sustainable protein supply, environmental impact, empowerment, efficiency, and food security, benefiting both paying customers and end users by providing a viable and socially responsible solution.

What Research and Development (mandatory) is needed for our innovation?

  1. Recyclable Material Optimization:

    R&D Question 1: How can we identify and test the most suitable recyclable materials for constructing the Portable EntoBox, considering factors such as durability, cost-effectiveness, and environmental impact?

  2. Data Tracking Mechanism Integration:

    R&D Question 2: What are the technical requirements and challenges in integrating a data tracking mechanism into the EntoBox system, and how can we ensure real-time monitoring and efficient data management?

  3. Scalability and Adaptability:

    R&D Question 3: How can we design the Portable EntoBox to be scalable and adaptable to different small-holder farmer ecosystems, taking into account varying production needs, resources, and local conditions?

What and how big is the impact of our innovation concept – SDG goals?

  • SDG 2: Zero Hunger: The innovation addresses SDG 2 by promoting insect protein farming, which offers a sustainable and nutritious source of food for communities, contributing to food security and combating hunger.
  • SDG 5: Gender Equality: By outsourcing input acquisition to women and youth collectors, the innovation supports gender equality by empowering women and promoting their active participation in the agricultural value chain.

  • SDG 13: Climate Action: The integration of recyclable materials and the focus on reducing waste contribute to climate action by minimizing environmental impact and promoting more sustainable resource management.

  • SDG 15: Life on Land: The innovation’s emphasis on using recyclable materials and reducing waste helps protect terrestrial ecosystems and promotes responsible land use, supporting SDG 15’s objectives.

What technical expertise do we need to develop a successful innovation? What are the associated technical research and development questions?

Technical Expertise Needed for the Recyclable Portable EntoBox with Data Tracking for Insect Protein Farming:

  1. Module Design and Engineering:
    • Expertise in module design and engineering to develop and optimize the insect farming modules used in the EntoBox model, ensuring they are constructed with recyclable materials and meet requirements for cost-effectiveness, scalability, and ease of deployment.

  2. Entomologist:
    • The input of an entomologist is vital for advising on the type, quantity, and quality of food waste required to achieve optimum yields during insect larvae rearing. They can also provide guidance on the most suitable environmental conditions to maintain throughout the insect lifecycle.

  3. Data Tracking System Integration:
    • Technical knowledge to integrate a data tracking mechanism into the EntoBox system, allowing for real-time monitoring and efficient data management to optimize insect protein production.

Technical Research and Development (R&D) Questions:

  1. What are the most appropriate recyclable materials that can be used to construct the insect farming modules for the EntoBox, considering factors such as durability, environmental impact, and cost-effectiveness?

  2. How can the insect farming modules be designed and engineered to be not only recyclable but also cost-effective, scalable, and easily deployable in
    various agricultural settings, both urban and rural?

  3. What are the optimal rearing conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity, substrate) advised by entomologists to maximize insect growth and protein yield, and how can this data be efficiently tracked and managed within the EntoBox system?

  4. How can the data tracking mechanism be seamlessly integrated into the EntoBox to provide real-time insights into production performance, resource utilization, and other critical parameters, allowing for informed decision-making and process optimization?

What economic and commercial expertise do we need to develop a successful innovation? What are the associated economic and commercial research and development questions?

  1. Economic Modelling and Financing Expertise:
    • Expertise in economic modelling and financial analysis to assess the market potential for insect-derived protein alternatives in the West African livestock feed industry, considering the utilization of recyclable materials, data tracking mechanisms, and potential revenue streams.

  2. Sales and Commercialization Expertise:
    • Knowledge in sales and commercialization strategies to determine viable pricing models and cost structures, considering the benefits of using recyclable materials and data tracking features in the EntoBox innovation, and effectively market the intellectual property (IP) aspects of the invention.

  3. IP Management:
    • Expertise in managing intellectual property rights and considerations.

Economic and Commercial Research and Development (R&D) Questions:

  1. What is the market potential for insect-derived protein alternatives in the West African livestock feed industry, and how can we identify and target key customer segments interested in the sustainable aspects of the EntoBox, such as recyclable materials, data tracking for efficiency, and the added value of IP protection?
  2. What are the unit economics of building and operating an EntoBox, and how can we optimize production costs while maintaining profitability, considering the use of recyclable materials, data tracking technology, and the investment in IP management?
  3. What innovative financing options can be explored to ease the purchasing process of the EntoBox for various customer segments, especially highlighting the benefits of integrated data tracking, and how can the IP aspects be effectively communicated to potential investors and partners?

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